The Studio 1 class has spent the 3rd quarter diligently producing self-portraits. After studying three famous portrait artists - Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, and Chuck Close - the students were asked to create a self-portrait in the style of one of the artists. This year, Frida Kahlo was the most popular choice.
The requirements:
Vincent van Gogh: Create a self-portrait from a mirror. Utilize complimentary colors. Emphasize brushstrokes. Use paint. (Three of the four students tried their hands at oil paint for the first time!)
Frida Kahlo: Create a self-portrait from a mirror or from memory/imagination. Incorporate dreamlike or cultural imagery. Use paint.
Chuck Close: Create a self-portrait from a gridded photograph. Emphasize the grid. All mediums allowed.
The results are fantastic. Every students' portrait is featured below; they are a very talented class!

Sanjana D, Grade 11; Van Gogh

Tara D, Grade 11; Kahlo

Tanya G, Grade 11; Kahlo

Shailab S, Grade 11; Van Gogh

Rignor W, Grade 11; Close

Rahul D, Grade 11; Kahlo

Neha B, Grade 12; Kahlo

Miky K, Grade 12; Kahlo

Luniva S, Grade 11; Gan Gogh

Gaurav A, Grade 12; Kahlo

Dharadipika H, Grade 12; Kahlo

Pavisa K, Grade 11; Close

Aurnab S, Grade 12; Kahlo

Zarka S, Grade 11; Kahlo

Akriti P, Grade 11; Kahlo

Yeonwoong L, Grade 12; Kahlo

Makani N, Grade 12; Close

Benjamin T, Grade 12; Van Gogh

Jeong Yeon L, Grade 12; Kahlo
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