
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Digital Media: Surrealist Self-Portrait (Composite Photography)

To wrap up our study of photography and Photoshop, the Digital Media class created surrealist self-potrtaits using composite photography.

Donghyun L, Grade 10

In the picture, there are two of myself looking at each other. The Left one is looking at the inner side of me, which is the right one. Therefore, the right one represents the feelings and emotions that I have. There are no emotions shown for both of my faces. However, the eye of right one is closed. This represents that I enjoy sleeping, which is relaxing and refreshing. The left of eye is half closed to show the lack of sleep I get, which 8 hours does not seem to be enough. Looking at the shadow at the left, it is sharp and pointy. It shows the people the negative feelings, mostly ignorance and anger. The background is melting which shows how easily my mood can be change. From left to right, the background gets darker. This shows the everyday feeling, which is not too bad, nor too happy.

Hee Seo S, Grade 12

This photo-shop of mine expresses the mundaneness of the world, where one can dream only through the books. The grass and the wood that looks pretty conveys Woodstock school, as it looks beautiful, but when one has to live in the world as such one will get sick of the emptiness of the world. However one can still live in a fantasy- like world through the books. The reason the books are shaped like the tent is from the movie Harry Potter, as the tent that looks simple is rather marvelous inside; such are the books. I think chose the book as the turning point because books only composed of ink and paper allow people to think, dream and even change one’s life.

Liam C, Grade 10

My self portrait reflects on me because I like the ocean and I have lived near the water all of my life and I also sail a lot and like to surf sometimes. When it shows my body dissolving in the water it show that sometimes I can be lazy and not stand up for what is right. In the portrait my head is intact and not dissolved in the water because no matter how lazy or weak I feel I still can think and know what is a good thing to do in any situation.

Neil M, Grade 12

The original picture is from long ago, probably when I was five or six. It is one of the good childhood pictures as it is a close-up between my dad and I. Looking at the picture now; It’s really hard to recognize my dad or I. This is mainly because I have grown up and he is grown older. But, when I look at the picture, it gives me a strong sense of nostalgia. Therefore, to make it surreal, I made a few changes to the picture. I changed the background and made me look like a mythological warrior. Also, I changed the faces to make it look more supernatural and surreal. In all, this picture shows a childhood full of fantasies.

Param S, Grade 11

On the whole this artwork reflects my state of mind after a long exhausting day. After an exhausting game of football, I find it easy to lose myself in a state of calmness, and reflect on my day. The boundlessness of the ocean and the sky represent a limitless state of mind capable of anything. The oceans waves take the days heat away and leave you calm and cool. This artwork represents two sides of me, one being a rough energetic side and the other being calm and peaceful.

Priyanka D, Grade 12
Like every other teenager, I’ve been in love, and I’ve had my world eclipsed by that dangerous, seductive emotion. The background of the self-portrait illustrates a classic theme: falling with no safety nets through the sky and into dazzling display of fireworks; in other words, falling in love. The big city can be a fast-paced, overwhelming environment, and that’s my kind of place.

Somehow, I had to have words in anything that was meant to be a reflection of me. I tend to express myself through my writing, and the prose isn’t exactly a ‘Dear Diary’page, but it’s close enough. The tinier details in the picture are also significant. The little heart tattoo on my back is a favourite doodle of mine, and one that can be found in almost every one of my textbooks. The watch on my wrist (which is unfortunately getting burned) is very special to me, as it belonged to my grandfather.

Getting burned by love is hardly a novel theme, and overall, the self-portrait is meant to be a piece of notepad paper or a letter that was set on fire.

Saksham J, Grade 10

This artwork reveals me through numerous ways. The first thing that is in my artwork that defines me would be the shadow. Now you must be thinking how a shadow would describe me. Everyone has told me, my parents, my friends and my tuition teacher that I am capable to do anything but I need guidance. So the shadow in the picture is like someone who is guiding me all throughout. The Christmas tree that is coming out of my half body defines that I am mostly a confused person. I am always only half sure about anything, thus this shows my half confusion in life. This picture thus
defines me as a person.

Ezra L, Grade 12

Ever since I was in kindergarten, the idea and the concept of supernatural powers fascinated me. Being brought up in a Christian family, I was well exposed to the possibilities of things known as “miracles,” but more than the religious concept of supernatural elements, it was the supernatural powers in animations like “Dragon ball” that fascinated me more. The ideas of humans flying or moving object with psychological powers or teleporting made me pray every night that I too, would one day, be blessed with such powers. As I grew older, however, I realized that these were just imaginations and none of them were ever going to be real. Regardless of that, the media kept producing works such as Jumper or Chronicle to remind me of my childhood fascinations. Through this work, with the help of photo shop, I attempted to reflect and portray a dream I once possessed as a kid; a dream that I realize is impossible, and yet a dream I still drool about.

Varun K, Grade 12

My surrealistic self-portrait reflects me in many ways, but it mainly summarizes my religious beliefs. I am an agnostic and agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable with certainty. The steps in the photo symbolize the stairway to heaven. The bottom and the top step contrast between atheist and theist beliefs. In this picture I sit in the middle and ponder both these possibilities with an optimistic attitude. I think this photo summarizes my religious views quite well as I always tend to take the middle path, I am never at any extreme, I am neither a god hating, nor a god loving person. I simply ponder both possibilities.       

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