
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Digital Media: T-shirt Design

As a final project with our 15 graduating seniors, the Digital Media class let loose and created t-shirt designs. We based our project off of Threadless - check them out if you are unfamiliar! The students were given free reign with content and style. Many students chose to submit to Threadless and are eagerly awaiting the results.

Pallavi M, Grade 12

Amol M, Grade 12

Tina M, Grade 12

Amber K, Grade 10

Kitty R, Grade 12

Phuriwat C, Grade 10

Luniva S, Grade 12

Mansi K, Grade 10

Sanghyeok P, Grade 12

Suvrat G, Grade 12

Jesal P, Grade 10

Martin S, Grade 11

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