
Monday, June 11, 2012

AP Studio: Successful Seniors!

A big congratulations to the 15 senior art students who completed the AP Studio Art portfolio this year! They worked extremely hard and deserve recognition.

The class of 2012 also deserves recognition for the number of art school acceptances they received. Among the American university acceptances: Pratt (3), SVA (3), Otis (2), SCAD (3), MICA, SAIC, and CCA (2). Among the Indian university acceptances: Shristi (2) and MIT Institute of Design. Two students have enrolled at Pratt, one at Otis, one at Shristi, and one at MIT Institute of Design. A number of students are enrolled at liberal arts colleges where they hope to continue to take art and a few are taking Gap years.

The Art Department wishes them the best of luck as they start new adventures!

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