
Friday, April 6, 2012

Digitial Media: Conceptual Advertisements

The Digital Media class analysed advertisements, specifically those that promote a concept rather than a product. They learned about typography and how to successfully combine text with photography to create an effective advertisement.

Students were divided into design teams. Each team was given a segment of the recently updated Woodstock School Desired Learning Outcomes. The groups were challenged to create an ad campaign representing their assigned segment. They worked as a team to develop the overall design, but individually created two advertisements each.


In developing a profound sense of self, we:
  1. Act with integrity.
    • Persevere, with conviction and courage as sources of motivation.
    • Acquire wisdom to make ethical decisions.
  2. Possess creativity, curiosity, focus, passion, and a sense of vocation.
  3. Remain open, teachable, humble, with an ability to follow when appropriate.
  4. Pursue physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through these practices:
    • Celebrate achievement and remain resilient through failure.
    • Maintain a reflective lifestyle that includes time for thought, reading or prayer.
    • Manage complexity and practice self-discipline.
  5. Gain an informed understanding of Christian beliefs and practices as we learn to think independently about our own and others' faiths.

Amol M, Grade 12

Amol M, Grade 12

Mansi K, Grade 10

Mansi K, Grade 10

Jin Chul A, Grade 12

Jin Chul A, Grade 12

Luniva S, Grade 12

Luniva S, Grade 12

Suvrat G, Grade 12

Suvrat G, Grade 12


In developing healthy interpersonal relationships, we:
  1. Learn collaboratively, working with diverse people in effective teams.
  2. Identify with the hopes, dreams, and struggles of people around us.
  3. Give and receive effective feedback.
  4. Remain flexible and adaptable, able to absorb others' ideas and able to live with ambiguity.
  5. Bring out the best in others by leading with our own positive example.

Ishaan B, Grade 12

Ishaan B, Grade 12

Jesal P, Grade 10

Jesal P, Grade 10
Tina M, Grade 12

Tina M, Grade 12

Kitty R, Grade 12

Kitty R, Grade 12

Phuriwat C, Grade 10

Phuriwat C, Grade 10

Pratik K, Grade 12

Pratik K, Grade 12

In equipping ourselves to survive and thrive in the 21st century, we:
  1. Create intellectual capital through lifelong exploratory learning in all areas of human endeavour.
  2. Think critically, actively applying our knowledge and analysing patterns to find solutions.
  3. Practice and master methods of scientific inquiry and research.
  4. Communicate effectively to construct and support sophisticated arguments orally, in writing, and using creative forms of expression.
  5. Utilize technological resources responsibly and with ease.

Madison M, Grade 12

Madison M, Grade 12

Pallavi M, Grade 12

Pallavi M, Grade 12

Swati K, Grade 12

Swati K, Grade 12

Yohan C, Grade 12

Yohan C, Grade 12

Martin S, Grade 11

Martin S, Grade 11

Abhishek M, Grade 10

Abhishek M, Grade 10


In developing as citizens, we:
  1. Maintain a sense of personal responsibility for our neighbours' welfare.
  2. Explore and appreciate regional and global cultures, languages, religions, and histories.
  3. Remain comfortable in multiple environments because of our cross-cultural competency.
  4. Possess and act on a strong sense of social justice and empathy with those less and more privileged than ourselves.
  5. Understand and seek to preserve our natural environment as good stewards of the earth for future generations.

Amber K, Grade 10

Amber K, Grade 10

Ayushman K, Grade 12

Ayushman K, Grade 12

Hyeeun C, Grade 12

Hyeeun C, Grade 12

Jonathan K, Grade 10

Sanghyeok P, Grade 12

Sanghyeok P, Grade 12

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