
Sunday, September 25, 2011

AP Studio: Monotype Collage

As a reward after completing the first month of Concentration pieces, the AP Studio Art classes took a few days to experiment with monotype collage. This mixed media technique begins with a monotype, in which the artist paints directly on glass and then presses the glass onto paper. The artist then collages, draws, and/or paints on top of the monotype. 

"Non Verbal" by Hyeeun C, Grade 12

"Digestive Explorer" by Tanya G, Grade 12

"Blood" by Sanjana D, Grade 12

"Tetris: Life is a Game" by Luniva S, Grade 12

"When Rain Clouds Gather" by Aditee O, Grade 12

"Toxic Horizon" by Rignor W, Grade 12

"Yellow" by Aditya S, Grade 12

"Christine" by Christine L, Grade 12

"Shooting Suns" by Akriti P, Grade 12

"Under Light" by SuWan C, Grade 12

"Fish Rider" by Nayung C, Grade 12

"Truckin" by Rahul D, Grade 12

"Wholly Jolly at the Beach" by YoSep L, Grade 12

Gojen R, Grade 12

"Pollution" by Christina M, Grade 12

"I Like Green Cities" by Zarka S, Grade 12

Siddharth G, Grade 12

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