As a reward after completing the first month of Concentration pieces, the AP Studio Art classes took a few days to experiment with monotype collage. This mixed media technique begins with a monotype, in which the artist paints directly on glass and then presses the glass onto paper. The artist then collages, draws, and/or paints on top of the monotype.
"Non Verbal" by Hyeeun C, Grade 12 |
"Digestive Explorer" by Tanya G, Grade 12 |
"Blood" by Sanjana D, Grade 12 |
"Tetris: Life is a Game" by Luniva S, Grade 12 |
"When Rain Clouds Gather" by Aditee O, Grade 12 |
"Toxic Horizon" by Rignor W, Grade 12 |
"Yellow" by Aditya S, Grade 12 |
"Christine" by Christine L, Grade 12 |
"Shooting Suns" by Akriti P, Grade 12 |
"Under Light" by SuWan C, Grade 12 |
"Fish Rider" by Nayung C, Grade 12 |
"Truckin" by Rahul D, Grade 12 |
"Wholly Jolly at the Beach" by YoSep L, Grade 12 |
Gojen R, Grade 12 |
"Pollution" by Christina M, Grade 12 |
"I Like Green Cities" by Zarka S, Grade 12 |
Siddharth G, Grade 12 |
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