
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Welcome Back!

The Woodstock Art Department is off to a great start to the 2011-2012 school year! This year, we have a few exciting changes.

1) We have two new art teachers: Ms. Katie Erickson and Ms. Rebecca Layton. You can find more information about them on the "Meet the Teachers" page.
2) We also have a new art room! The Senior School now has two rooms: the existing one on the top floor of the Media Center and a new one on the ground floor of the Media Center (old Study Hall room). It is great to see the program grow!
3) Lastly, thanks to more art teachers and better space, we are offering more classes to students. Mostly, we have increased the number of sections to existing courses. Additionally, we are offering a new Digital Media course in the spring.

Check here frequently to see what the art students are creating!

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