
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Venturing into the Art World

A huge congratulations goes out to the art students who have recently graduated! This year, we have an unusual number of graduates who are heading off to art schools. Here are some of the acceptances and enrollments:

-Pratt: 1 student enrolled
-School of the Art Institute of Chicago: 3 students accepted, 1 student enrolled
-California College of Art: 1 student enrolled
-Otis: 1 student accepted
-Southern California Institute of Architecture: 1 student enrolled
-Savannah College of Art and Design: 1 student enrolled
-Academy of Art San Francisco: 1 student accepted
-Sristhi School of Art Design and Technology: 1 student enrolled

That is a grand total of 6 graduates who will matriculate in an art school - nearly 8% of the graduating class! There are also a number of students who will be taking a Gap year before enrolling in art programs, as well as students enrolled in liberal arts schools who will be taking art courses as a major or as an elective.

Here's a bit of advice for anyone venturing into the art world: Super Obvious Secrets I Wish They'd Teach in Art School.

Overall, the class of 2012 is an extremely talented group of students in the arts. Nearly half of the class was enrolled in an art course this year, which is an incredible percentage! I have enjoyed learning with them and from them. I wish them the best of luck as they leave - their enthusiasm for art will be greatly missed!

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