
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Design: Photoshop Mini-Projects

The Design class spent two weeks learning the basics of Photoshop. To practice, they worked on three mini projects.

Project 1: Veg Head
The students started the Photoshop unit with a lesson on making selections, transforming selections, and utilizing layers. They were given two photographs of fruit and vegetables. From these photos, they made selections to create a person out of produce.
Dechen T, Grade 11

SuWan C, Grade 11

Tsewang S, Grade 10

Nayung C, Grade 11

Louie C, Grade 10

Project 2: Rockstar
This project required the students to use cheesy photoshop effects, such as blending modes and filters. Students chose a rock star and superimposed him onto a background. They used special effects to stylize the image.

Inhyuk P, Grade 10

Sainyam K, Grade 10

Tsewang S, Grade 10

Chimey D, Grade 12

Louie C, Grade 10

Project 3: Woodstock Postcard
Synthesizing their knowledge of layers, selections, blending modes, and text, students created a Woodstock postcard. They were required to superimpose a foreground selection onto a background, as well as utilize text.

Priyanka A, Grade 11

Chimey D, Grade 12

Joseph T, Grade 12

Hadisa W, Grade 11

Aditya S, Grade 11

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