
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Monsoon Art Show

The Second Annual Monsoon Art Show took place last week. The opening of the show also marked the initiation of the new Media Center Gallery (located outside the MC Auditorium). Over the last month, bulletin boards and track lighting were installed and the room now looks like a proper gallery! The show's opening was well attended by staff and students. Complete with a special tea and live music, it was quite the event! Attendees were invited to cast votes for their favorite artworks, the winning artworks are displayed below.

A packed gallery for the opening!

Junior School Awards

1st Place: Jinhye P, Grade 6

2nd Place: Phunsok N, Grade 5

3rd Place: Jigme L, Grade 6

Senior School Awards

1st Place: Mandarava S, Grade 10

2nd Place: Dharadipika H, Grade 12

3rd Place: Yu Sung, Grade 12

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