
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Portrait Art Show

On April 20th, Hanifl Center (the outdoor education building) had a grand opening for the Portrait Art Show. Coordinated by the Development Office, along with help from the art department and Hanifl Center, the exhibit showcased artwork from students and staff. Many of the high school art students submitted work. The opening was a success with nearly 60 people coming to enjoy tea and donuts. The work will be displayed for the remainder of the school year. 
Christina offering a brief history on portraiture and an introduction to the show outside Hanifl.

View from the entrance of Hanifl.

Admiring a Studio 1 painting done in the style of Chuck Close.

Onlookers of Studio 2's self portraits.
Studio 2 self-portrait: Can you see the resemblance?

Another Studio 2 self-portrait. 

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