
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Portrait Art Show

On April 20th, Hanifl Center (the outdoor education building) had a grand opening for the Portrait Art Show. Coordinated by the Development Office, along with help from the art department and Hanifl Center, the exhibit showcased artwork from students and staff. Many of the high school art students submitted work. The opening was a success with nearly 60 people coming to enjoy tea and donuts. The work will be displayed for the remainder of the school year. 
Christina offering a brief history on portraiture and an introduction to the show outside Hanifl.

View from the entrance of Hanifl.

Admiring a Studio 1 painting done in the style of Chuck Close.

Onlookers of Studio 2's self portraits.
Studio 2 self-portrait: Can you see the resemblance?

Another Studio 2 self-portrait. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Design: Stop-motion Animation

After studying hand-drawn illustration, we brought narration into the digital world with stop-motion animation. In short, stop-motion is a very basic form of animation in which the artist takes pictures and puts them together in rapid succession to create a video. The Design class worked in small groups and created their animations with the use of digital cameras and Windows Movie Maker. Enjoy!

1. Shoes - Tara D, Hye Eun C, Sanjana D

2. Oragami - Tara D, Hye Eun C, Sanjana D

3. Dance - Neha B, Manvi L, Maari W

4. Love - Jeong Yeon L, Jae Eun S

5. Rocks - Jeong Yeon L, Jae Eun S

6. Objects, Man, Scissors - Jeong Yeon L, Jae Eun S

7. Midlands Hallways - Yoonjung Y, Methinee T

8. Banana - Neha B, Manvi L, Maari W

9. Lyre Tree - Neha B, Manvi L, Maari W

10. Yale Acceptance - Yoonjung Y, Methinee T

11. Paper Comet - Bhumin C, Nutchakrit P, Rahul D

12. Art...Yay! - Sarena O, Tenzin S

13. Credits - Class

14. Bows - Class

"Dangerous Sleepwalk" by Methinee T and Yoonjung Y

And a link to Reed B's youtube animation:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Design: Illustration

After studying illustrations in children's books and comics, the students of Design created their own illustrations. Their challenge was to create a narrative without using text. Click on the photos to enlarge them. Can you figure out what the narratives are?

Jeong Yeon L, Grade 11

Sarena O, Grade 12

Yoonjung Y, Grade 12

Jae Eun S, Grade 11

Methinee T, Grade 12

Neha B, Grade 11

Tara D, Grade 10

Rahul D, Grade 10

Sanjana D, Grade 10

Studio 2: 12% Time

The 12% Time project is a regularly scheduled time when the students of Studio 2 can work on any art project they'd like. The term "12% Time" refers to the percentage of time designated for this project, in our case it is once every 8-day cycle. During 3rd Quarter students worked on woodcarvings, paintings, spray paint designs, and drawings.

Eun A J, Grade 12

Eun A J, Grade 12

Chuki N, Grade 12

Tokuji T, Grade 12

Shreya H, Grade 12