
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Design: Element and Principle Images

Beginning with the basics, Design class explored the elements and principles of art through PowerPoint presentations and text images. For their final project, students strove to blend text with picture to communicate the essence of the element or principle.

Top down: Sarah K, Akansha P, Yeonsol L

Top down: Fredrick T, Tara S, Istuti S

Top down, left to right: Mathai P, Tara S, Gan T, Jin Oh J

Left to right: Tanuvee A, Jihoo P, Yeonsol L

Top down: Istuti S, Sarah K, Dechen S

Center: Mathai P

Left to right: Gan T, Jiho J

Top down: Akansha P, Karina S

The whole display!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Drawing & Painting: Progressive Still-Life

Students studied the work of abstract artist Georgia O'Keefe for inspiration in their progressive still-life drawings. Paying attention to composition, each drawing was created to center upon a specific focal point, experimenting with three different media to show 3-dimensional quality.

Inhyuk P.

Lalrin S.

 Raya K.

Shivangi K.