
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sculpture: Cut Paper Relief

 For their first project, sculpture class created a cut paper relief sculpture. Students started with a base and either carve into or build from it. Using the theme of monsoon for inspiration, students focused on pattern and organic shapes.

Karis P.

Johann A.

 Martha A-D

 Nutchakrit P.

Rachel S.

Shivangi K.
Raya K.

Pauline L.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Digital Media: Quote Posters

Digital Media continued advancing their skills with Adobe Illustrator by designing posters. To support the 2012-2013 academic theme, "Thought for Food," they each chose a quote relating to food, health, or consumption. Their quotes range from silly to thought-provoking - enjoy!
Amaani M, Grade 10

Andrew C, Grade 12

Sam J, Grade 12

Apurva A, Grade 10

Yesua J, Grade 12

Dave R, Grade 12

Stutii G, Grade 10

Ishana, Grade 10

Natasha A, Grade 10

Seerat J, Grade 11

Tushar T, Grade 12

Shaurya D, Grade 10

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AP Studio: August Concentrations

The AP Studio Art students are starting the year with their concentration pieces. Each student chooses a theme and will create 12 artworks on that theme. Here are the first ones!

Rowan L, Grade 11
Andy C, Grade 12

Andy C, Grade 12

Yesua J, Grade 12

Yesua J, Grade 12

Juliana P, Grade 12

Juliana P, Grade 12

Dechen T, Grade 12

Dechen T, Grade 12

Fayza I, Grade 12

Fayza I, Grade 12

Jin Young P, Grade 12

Jin Young P, Grade 12

Mokyoung K, Grade 12

Mokyoung K, Grade 12

Teva K, Grade 12

Teva K, Grade 12

Louie C, Grade 12

Louie C, Grade 12

Tsewang S, Grade 12

Tsewang S, Grade 12

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Studio 1: Still-Life

Mansi K, Grade 11

Amber K, Grade 11

Ein J, Grade 11

Fayza I, Grade 12

Jesal P, Grade 11

Navika S, Grade 11

Nina K M, Grade 11

Nivedita D, Grade 11

Pia, Grade 11

Su Bin K, Grade 11

Ye Rang L, Grade 11