
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Design: Logo and Sign-board

The Design class was presented with a unique opportunity to design a logo for a new shop in Mussoorie. The students competed and we came up with two winners: InHyuk won the logo design and Yangla's suggestion of "Mountain Roots" for a shop name was chosen. 

InHyuk worked extremely hard to paint the sign board for the shop.

The finished sign board above the new shop on Mullingar Hill.

AP Studio: Jaza

AP Studio Art Concentration Section - 2D Design Portfolio

The busy streets of India fascinate me. Initially, my idea was to portray the 24-hour traffic congestion that is commonplace in India. However, as I progressed in developing my idea, I began to include imagery of people who also crowd the streets . I have used watercolor as my primary medium.

Jaza will be attending California College of Art.

AP Studio: EunBit

AP Studio Art Concentration Section - Drawing Portfolio

To commemorate my last year at high school, I decided to make a 
personal portfolio of 12 portraits of teenagers. As I am leaving 
for a new life in college, this is a 
preparation of letting go of some unpleasant memories 
and the little girl inside me. I hope that when I grow older, these 
paintings will be there to remind me of the good old days and 
serve as a frame of my memories that I have gathered.

AP Studio: Yena

AP Studio Art Concentration Section - 2D Design Portfolio

The central idea of my concentration is greedy money. Money is meant to be helpful for people. However, people are often ruled by money. Through these artworks, I want to illustrate how people sometimes end up with serious situations where they cannot control their greed because of money. Ironically, people are aware of these issues, but they pretend to be ignorant of them to excuse themselves from facing the bitter reality.
I feel strong about the idea of greedy money because the issues related to negative side of money are prevalent around the world. After the society started becoming a slave of consumerism, people do not value such real values as love or moral but merely money. My each piece of artwork shows what kind of catastrophe we ourselves are leading toward.

AP Studio: Jocelyn

AP Studio Art Concentration Section - Drawing Portfolio

My concentration is based on birds and the 
relationships they have with humans. Each 
image brings out irony as it relates to the 
symbolism of the specific bird.

AP Studio: Imaan

AP Studio Art Concentration Section - Drawing Portfolio

The central idea of my concentration comes from my adoration of rock and roll, and my complete lack of musical ability. As is in any musical form, the time and place of origin influence the music; it is no different in my pieces. My concentration aims to express my inner rock star while maintaining a strong undertone of my Indian culture. 

Imaan will be attending Pratt Institute.