
Thursday, December 9, 2010

AP Studio: Concentration 2 (sketch)

Instead of completing a finalized artwork for the second Concentration piece, the AP students were asked to create a detailed sketch. Here are a few examples:

Jocelyn B, Grade 12

Imaan D, Grade 12

Eunbit P, Grade 12

Reed B, Grade 12

Dipika H, Grade 12

AP Studio: Concentration 1

The AP class is now on Part 2 of their portfolio - the concentration section. This section entails creating 12 artworks on a single theme. The students have chosen themes ranging from Lord of the Rings, to high school, to women's rights, to hectic streets in India, to women of Woodstock. Here are the first pieces of their series.

Anah I, Grade 12

Aurnab S, Grade 12

Eunbit P, Grade 12

Nitisha M, Grade 12

Imaan D, Grade 12

Jaza S, Grade 12

Mina Z, Grade 12

Jerry A, Grade 12

Dipika H, Grade 12

Reed B, Grade 12

Armaan B, Grade 12

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Studio 1: Printmaking for Social Change

The Studio 1 class finished the semester with a printmaking assignment. After looking at artwork by Mexico's Taller de Grafica Popular and learning about how printmaking has been used as a way to advocate social change, they created their own designs on social and environmental issues. These prints were carved out of linoleum. Along with plain black prints, the students were asked to create one altered print and also submit a statement about their artwork. Included here are excerpts from their statements.

Gaurav A, Grade 12

Aurnab S, Grade 12
In order to ensure gender equality, women’s dignity and security, and maintaining France’s tradition of secularism, the French government has outlawed wearing fully covering Islamic veils or “niqabs”. After reading an article about a woman in niqab who was attacked by a woman who claimed that she was just trying to take off her veil, I realized that this law is not promoting equality but is separating the Muslim French people from those that are not Muslim. The print I made depicts a woman lifting her niqab, revealing a French flag on her skin. The flag suggests the idea that although a French woman’s physical appearance is hidden by a veil she is still French and changing her religious customs does not make her more French.

Dipika H, Grade 12
The central idea behind my series of prints is the limited number of tigers left in the world. These prints depict a tiger’s face and the Chinese symbol for this endangered species. […] I stand strongly against poaching and hunting of wild species and this was the main reason I picked Tiger as my subject for this series of prints.

Pavisa K, Grade 11
There are a lot of things in the world that can divide people in multiple groups: gender, nationality, occupation, caste, and even religion. However, religion tends to be the biggest thing that completely separates people, even people with the same nationality. […] The messages below are to convey Christian and Muslim to be together and united and to bring peace. Overall, this printmaking is a message to those people to stop conflicts so that everyone will be in peace.

Zarka S, Grade 11
The print highlights the little-known topic of forced impregnation associated with crimes like human trafficking, prevalent in domestic violence as well. […] I wanted the print to convey how such abuse not only hampers the natural process that sustains life but also destroys the victim, both physically and mentally.

Hyeeun C, Grade 11
I chose this topic because cyber bullying has become a big problem in the twenty first century. In Korea, people started giving negative comments on others pictures or blogs just because the others could not see them. A large number of Korean celebrities suffered from cyber bullying. Their privacy was exposed to public and they were humiliated publically. It became more and more intense that it led them to commit suicide. Although celebrities sue the netizens, internet or cyber citizens, who are responsible for the cyber bullying, netizens still attack them and hurt them in different ways possible. Not only the celebrities committed suicide but also a lot of common people who were bullied committed suicide.

Makani N, Grade 12
The slaughtering of dolphins occurs for six months every year. In Taiji, Japan, thousands of dolphins are corralled into a small, hidden cove. Several are chosen to perform at various entertainment spots by trainers from around the world...those are the semi-lucky ones. the others are slaughtered and their mercury poisoned meat is sold in the markets of Japan or as school lunch-meat marked as another product with no warning label as to the intoxication of the meat.

Sanjana D, Grade 11
India is a highly corrupt nation, where bribing is so common that people don’t even consider it wrong or unusual anymore. In India every citizen is corrupt on some level but the root of corruption lies in the Indian politics. Ironically, the politicians that elected by the citizens to battle issues such as corruption and who are trusted to spend all the tax money on welfare projects are the ones who are the very foundation of corruption.

Benjamin T, Grade 12

Akriti P, Grade 11
One of the biggest predicaments that the world is facing today is global warming and unnecessary destruction of the environment. Along with the environment, marine life and endangered species have been under threat-immensely after the gulf war in 1996. Due to Japanese traditions and sea wars- whales have been under threat and are dying rapidly. The oil spills have been polluting waters continuously and Japan has been whaling for decades as a ‘tradition.’

Shailab S, Grade 11

Luniva, Grade 11
Global warming has caused loss of biodiversity and destruction of habitat. Animals are being killed for their fur, for recreation, because they are perceived as dangerous creatures. But with this artwork I hope to emphasize the fact that animals are dieing – all because of human ignorance. We need to wake up. We need to know.

Rahul D, Grade 11
Pandamonium is uprising. The cute panda is juxtaposed with a cold machine gun because they don’t fit together. It is meant to represent the social chaos but is neither for or against it. I thought of the symbol when I was thinking over the riots in Nepal, where old grandmas as well as five year olds would take up arms. Appearances were only an illusion and I was moved by this.

Tara D, Grade 11

Monday, December 6, 2010

Activity Week Photography Competition

This year during Activity Week, Woodstock students and staff set out to capture their adventures on camera. Over 60 students and staff participated and submitted nearly 300 photos. With 5 judges, the photos were narrowed down to the following 35 photos. 

Woodstock People

Lauren Terry, Staff
Knowledge is Power
Gaird Village

Pachara R, Grade 10
Pema, Simply Pema
Kedar Kantha Trek

Mina Z, Grade 12

Phuriwat C, Grade 10
Miss Leon, the Villager
Takarna Village
Nan Onkka, Staff
Changsheel Trek

Juliana P, Grade 10
Baradsaar Trek

Sidharth Datla, Grade 12
Ramoji Film City


Paul Gerberding, Staff
Glory through the Binox
Baradsaar Trek

SeMin S, Grade 12
Sunset over the River

Shanti M, Grade 6
Tumbling Waterfall

Dave R, Grade 10
Changsheel Trek

Millicent W, Grade 9
The River
Gaird Village

Nan Onkka, Staff
Descending the Peak
Changsheel Trek

Sidharth D, Grade 12
West Godavari

Local People

Nan Onkka, Staff
Evening Grazing
Changsheel Trek

Juliana P, Grade 10
Baradsaar Trek

Liang-Yun C, Grade 10
Changsheel Trek

Uddhav M, Grade 10
The Guys with the Attitude
Kedar Kantha Trek

Paul Gerberding, Staff
Kind Old Woman
Baradsaar Trek

Amber K and Sasha K, Grade 9

Phuriwat C, Grade 9
One Day, I will become a Farmer
Takarna Village

Flora and Fauna

Howard Wilkins, Staff
The Eye of the Beholder
Khas Kudoan Village

SeMin S, Grade 12
Lily Flower

Mokyoung K, Grade 10
Har Ki Dun Trek

Shalaka G, Grade 10
Griffin Vulture in Flight
Har Ki Dun Trek

Shanti M, Grade 6
Christmas Array

Sidharth D, Grade 12
Kolleru Bird Sanctuary

Paul Gerberding, Staff
Raven and White
Baradsaar Trek

Between Sunset and Sunrise

Suman Mitra, Staff
Changsheel Trek

Ziri C, Grade 12

Sonam L, Grade 12
Go Goa

Jocelyn B, Grade 12
Kash Carrom

Paul Gerberding, Staff
Baradsaar Trek

Juliana P, Grade 10
Baradsaar Trek

Pachara R, Grade 10
Camp Below the Peak
Kedar Kantha Trek

And the winners are....