
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Design: Elements and Principles

To begin the year, the Design class studied the elements and principles of design. Each student was asked to create a small Design Card that represented an element or principle.

Inhyuk P, Grade 10

SuWan C, Grade 11

Hee Seo S, Grade 10

Dongil C, Grade 10

Ji Eun Y, Grade 12

Sainyam K, Grade 10

Ji Eun Y, Grade 12

Pema C, Grade 10

SuWan C, Grade 11

Tsewang S, Grade 10

Friday, August 27, 2010

Drawing and Painting: Figure Drawing

The Drawing and Painting class started the year with observational drawings. After warming up with stationary objects, we moved on to drawing from a live model. Each student took a turn modeling for the class - they were such good sports! After a few days, they were challenged with drawing multiple drawings on one page with pen. Each drawing was completed in about 5 minutes!

Aditee O, Grade 11

Daniel R, Grade 12

Gojen R, Grade 11

Zarina M, Grade 10

Nizamuddin R, Grade 11

Thursday, August 26, 2010

AP Studio: Mechanical Fragments

To jump start the school year, the AP Studio classes were the first to begin as well as the first to complete a major assignment. Each student was given a shiny metallic object and was asked to draw fragments of the object. After drawing the fragments, they created imaginary extensions. Can you tell which parts of the drawings are from life and which are invented?

Nitisha M, Grade 12

Eun Bit P, Grade 12

Dharadipika H, Grade 12

Aurnab S, Grade 12

Reed B, Grade 12

Gitanjaya D, Grade 12

Jaza S, Grade 12

Jocelyn B, Grade 12

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Welcome Back!

Woodstock School is back in session! After a few weeks of classes, staff and students are beginning to feel comfortable with all the new changes the school year has brought. 

The Woodstock Art Department is settling into some major changes. First, and most exciting, there are now two full-time art teachers in the Senior School. This means that 7-9th grade students have art much more frequently. Another exciting change is that the Studio 2 class has turned into an official AP Studio Art course with 18 students (almost 1/4 of the graduating class!)

To accommodate the additional art classes, a new art room has been created near the existing one on the top floor of the Media Center. Additionally, the art program has acquired a small room near the MC Auditorium for viewing images, critiquing artwork, and - most importantly - displaying artwork! In effect, it is slowly becoming a proper gallery space. Stay tuned for news of student art exhibits!

Grade 9 students working on a still-life in the new art room.

Design Class busy at work in the existing art room.