
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Senior Art Show

As one last hurrah, the senior art students had their very own art show. Each student had 3-6 artworks on display. Congratulations on an excellent show!

Printmaking by Raveena M

Drawings and Paintings by Sareega S

Drawings and Printmaking by Tokuji T

A full house at the opening during Graduation weekend

Drawing and Painting: Oil

With no prior experience in oil painting, the 18 students of Drawing and Painting got out their brushes, canvases, oils, and solvents to give it a try! First they primed canvases with a variety of textures and colors. Next, they painted a still-life of stools and chairs on a white cloth. With the freedom to use any color for the furniture and shadows, the paintings turned out beautifully abstract! These first-time oil painters produced some excellent paintings!

Gitanjaya D, Grade 11

Mokyoung K, Grade 9

Namsay N, Grade 9

Loui C, Grade 9

Sanskar B, Grade 10

Dharadipika H, Grade 11

Elizabeth A, Grade 10

Aurnab S, Grade 11

Benjamin T, Grade 11

Studio 2: 12% Time, Quarter 4

As they did in Quarter 3, the Studio 2 class had another quarter of 12% Time (see Q3 post).

Joshua S, Moa J, and Kakivi C, Grade 12

Tokuji T, Grade 12

Paul J, Grade 12

Moo Joong K, Grade 12

Chuki N, Grade 12

Chuki N, Grade 12

Thomas S, Grade 12

Eun A, Jo, Grade 12

Studio 2: Retrospective

For the last project of their high school art career, the Studio 2 students were asked to recall their first impressions and memories of their time at Woodstock or, more broadly, in India. They were given the freedom to work in any medium and any scale. 

Thomas S, Grade 12

Paul J, Grade 12

Moa J, Grade 12

Chuki N, Grade 12

Sareega S, Grade 12

Moo Joong K, Grade 12

Sarena O, Grade 12

Friday, May 14, 2010

Guest Artist Nova Cassan

During the month of May, Woodstock art students were pleased to work with a guest artist. Nova Cassan, from Manitoba, Canada, specializes in hand-built ceramics and also works with textiles, collage, and many other mediums. During her month-long stay, she worked in a variety of art classes and also led clay workshops for staff. At the high school level, she demonstrated slab-building for the Studio 1 and 2 classes and taught two projects - clay busts and slab buildings - in the Sculpture and Ceramics class. 

Demonstrating how to build a slab pot in Studio 1.

Teaching Studio 2 how to throw slabs.

All School Art Show

The middle of May brought the Woodstock Arts Festival. Along with the annual Mela, music concerts, and a special presentation from the conservation organization INTACH, there was an All-School Art Show. Artwork was displayed from students of all ages in the Media Center basement. 

The main wall of the show.

Studio 1 artwork.

Middle school Van Gogh paintings.

Elementary Indian animal paintings.


Admiring the Drawing and Painting watercolor paintings.

Design students critiquing the show.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sculpture: Soft Sculptures

After studying pop artist Claes Oldenburg, the Sculpture students chose an everyday object and recreated it in fabric. We honed our stitching skills and got to make good use of the beautiful cotton fabrics available locally!

Karis P, Grade 9, Earphones

Achi G, Grade 9, Dustbin

Rakchira S, Grade 11, Piano

Drawing and Painting: Watercolor

Inspired by spring, the Drawing and Painting class headed outside to paint watercolors of scenes from the Sun Dial. Here are a few photos and some examples of their work:

Looking down into the Doon valley.
Scattered across Sun Dial.
Elizabeth A, Grade 10

Pavisa K, Grade 10

Dharadipika H, Grade 11

Namsay N, Grade 9

Yabesh S, Grade 12

Gitanjaya D, Grade 11

Sanskar B, Grade 10

Dongil C, Grade 9

Jennifer W, Grade 12